OpenSeaMap at "boot" 2012 in Düsseldorf
21 to 29 January 2012
Hall 11 / H 13
We look forward to seeing you!
You can find us at the booth of SatPro.
At the booth you will learn everything there is to know about OpenSeaMap:
Look at the sea map on a big screen, check out your most favourite spots, plan your next sailing trip or cruise. Learn more about our motivations, recent improvements and visions. Get to know the people involved and find out how you can support us.
Get creative in our "map workshop": draw everything you know into the map, share your experience with other skippers worldwide. The data you enter will be stored immediately in a database and can be seen after a short while on the map. If there is anything missing from your home port or place of residence - your favourite bar, the sail maker or the house of your mother-in-law - just add it to improve the world map!
In daily lectures you will learn more about cartography, the integrated ports handbook "SkipperGuide", applications on the ship (Plotter, AIS, Autopilot) and on the website (trip reports, territory maps) as well as special applications (fleet management, marine radio, amateur radio).
The OpenSeaMap booth is also a meeting place for all concerned with mapping and for developers of Openstreetmap from near and far. We tell you how to use Openstreetmap for hiking, bike and ski tours as well as riding and the navigation system of your car.
We are looking forward to meeting equipment manufacturers, ship chandlers, charter companies, administrations, universities and makers of maps: Let's get to know each other, develop ideas, use synergy effects...
Even sailors and people from the marine radio of TransOcean, INTERMAR, DP07 meet at our booth to share experiences and spin a yarn.